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Adulthood is full of transitions that often leave people feeling stuck.  Sometimes this can be a slow process, other times it feels as though things are happening all at once.  In working together, our job is to figure out how to get unstuck.  We will work to find the core issues that have lead you to not living the life the way that you want.  By developing a strong and safe connection between us, you will feel free to explore and examine who you are, strengths and weaknesses.


I work with adults from all sorts of backgrounds and life experiences.  I find that it is our unique experiences that make us who we are.  While nobody will ever truly know what it is like being you, the exploration into who you are with a trusted ally can oftentimes reveal things we did not fully know about ourselves.


I see clients for a variety of issues. Some of which include: depression, trauma, domestic abuse, anxiety, work stress, parenting stress, and much more.

3626 Sacramento Street, Suite 1

San Francisco, CA 94118



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